Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to Lose Friends and Alienate People


The film tells the story of Sidney (Simon Pegg), a disillusioned with the world of celebrities, no fame or glamor that works in a magazine that lives of famous people mock and flagra in obscene acts. Until so unexpected, after a work of great impact, the editor Clayton Harding (Jeff Bridges) sees something familiar in the conduct of Sydney and offers a large and important job in the New York magazine, Srarps Magazine.

With this new job, Sydney begins to grow professionally and become famous, known as the star, and his secret muse, Sophie Maes (Megan Fox). This new life, full of lightning and celebrity parties, puts in a big dilemma, fall in the world of glamor or stay with his great love, a colleague Alison Olsen (Kirsten Dunst).

Part 2

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